Thursday, October 1, 2015

You'll know her as "Dolce Vento"

You gotta love Facebook! When I requested ideas for renaming our boat, within 30minutes, 18 candidate names were delivered.  Where we were at a loss for words, Facebook friends were filled with creativity.  Candidate names were:
  1. Reinvention (describes what I do)
  2. Andrew (root - manly, masculine)
  3. La Dolche Far Niente (The art of doing nothing)
  4. Eslissi Lunare (Eclipse of the Moon)
  5. Luce del Sole (Sunlight)
  6. Brezza Celeste (Heavenly breeze)
  7. Brezza Marina (Sea breeze)
  8. Fluid Horizon
  9. Sails Away
  10. Dolce Vento (Sweet wind)
  11. Friendship Star
  12. Ama tu vida (Love your life -- Spanish)
  13. Al du l`a (Love your life --Italian)
  14. Judy, Judy, Judy
  15. Point of Sail
  16. Bella Stella (Nice Star)
  17. Nolte Stalatta (Starry Night)
  18. Tempest Fugit (Time Flies - Latin)
We set ourselves the following guidelines for our final selection which included:
  • Italian - the words must sing and John is proudly of Italian Heritage
  • Enunciation -  When you say it three times over the sometimes scratchy VHF, it has to be understood and repeatable
  • Old name - Legally, we can use the same name as our last boat as the new owners kept "Forte Vento" (Strong Wind)
After careful review, we chose "Dolce Vento", the submission by Judy Southerland, artist and friend.  It met all the criteria plus it brought forth the previous boat without using the exact name.  We agreed that strong winds may not be what we want going forward.  Sweet winds will be much more pleasant.

Thank you everyone for helping us out.  Judy will help us christen her and then help sail her away.

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