Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I've been offline

Several friends recently asked about my lack of blog entries.  I haven't written a word since January.  It's a story to be told later.  In the meantime know all is well.

I will retire officially August 14 -- same time as my 50th class reunion so August will be a happy time all around. I'm looking forward to a new life style, especially when I read what friends and family are up to.  One friend is touring Ireland, motorcycling in Morocco and cruising the Baja and a sister is dancing all over the western US.  Makes you realize there is fun to be had after work ends.  John and I have sailing plans, that with a bit of luck we will turn them into a reality.

We're sailing almost every weekend now.  It keeps us moving and enjoying the Bay.  More later. My best to everyone.

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