Friday, October 11, 2013

Diary of a Furloughed Fed: Day 11 - Glimmers of hope?

I woke this morning to an 8AM session with my trainer and a dwindling list of "things to do". Depressive thoughts are starting to set in -- I'm easily upset about nothing and I "just want to be alone", as Marlene Detrick was alleged to say.  But a glimmer of hope is on the horizon -- an audience yelled at Ted Cruz's ranting and the two sides are talking in private instead of just shouting over the air waves.  How can health care for millions of people who neither can't afford it or who have been turned down because of pre-existing conditions be "the worse thing that has ever happened to this nation since slavery?"   Is there no empathy left in people?  Do they really think our society can thrive without a safety net to ensure the safety, health and education of vulnerable citizens?  Don't they understand Maslow's hierarchy of needs?  It's useless for me to carry on....I will wait for the outcome.  No matter what the solution, I will return to work eventually.

Not knowing when I will go back to work is at the root of my frustration.  Not working is fine.  I've had time to do all those chores I never had time to do; however, I need a purpose, and purpose takes time to develop.  It's like living in a purgatory; a place in between, being neither fish nor fowl.  I'm ready to begin studying for my sailing license.  I've accumulated the required helm experience hours.  It will take 3-6 months of almost full time work to prepare -- both online and classroom sessions.  Living from day to day as I am now, makes the needed commitment shaky.  Without some solid blocks of time, I won't do well.  I know myself -- immersion is my learning style.

Last week the weather here in DC was perfect for sailing; however, the water continues to allude us. We are waiting for the delivery of the mainsail and the completion of the refinishing of the boat's sole (the internal flooring).   Looks like we will leave Forte Vento on the hard until spring and take delivery then.

This week the weather is wet, clammy and gray.  Very apropos for the current government shutdown situation and it saddens me. Perhaps, as Annie sings, "Tomorrow, tomorrow the sun will come out."  I can hope.

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