Sunday brought fair winds (translate 10-15 knots and no more), partially sunny skies and cool air. My former business partner, Susan, joined us for a day sail. She kept JoeJoe from shivering as we headed out across the Bay toward Tilghman Island. It was chilly, but delightful. Not a dog threw-up and the seas were quite bearable. Our j-bird isn't a fast boat (top speed is 4-5 knots), but she's reliable and easy to handle. What more could a sailor ask for?
This ends our two week shakedown cruise. As the sun set over the harbour, a crescent moon and Venus blessed our experience. We've learned a lot and experienced enough to know we work well together and can handle whatever the Bay and j-bird bring us. As John surmised, "This sailing stuff isn't easy, but it's a whole different world that is wonderfully seductive."
We'll be on the water for many years to come. The only question is whether we do with our little 33 feet or go for something more substantial is several years. Who knows? It's what keeps life interesting.
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